$29Vibrant Mix of Chrysanthemum - the perfect addition to your home or as a gift to your loved ones. ---- To enhance your experience, we…3 Times The Love Bouquet | 3 Red Roses & Gypso
$32When words alone can't express your affection, let flowers convey your deepest emotions. Our enchanting bouquet of three exquisite roses, elegantly adorned with delicate gypso,…5 Mixed Roses | Vibrant Roses Flower Delivery in Lagos
$41Ditch the predictable and embrace the rainbow. Order your 5-rose symphony today and let Lagos dance to the rhythm of your blooming emotions. Same-day delivery?…5 Whispers of Love | Elegant Rose Bouquet | Prestige Flower Shop Lagos
$41More than just a bouquet, it's a statement. Let the delicate dance of five roses express your appreciation, congratulations, or simply "I'm thinking of you."…Amour
$65Vibrant Mix of Chrysanthemum - the perfect addition to your home or as a gift to your loved ones. ---- To enhance your experience, we…Aurora – Roses and Lilies Bouquet
$80 – $672Avalanche – Roses and Chrysanthemum Bouquet
$37 – $290Roses & Chrysanthemums This stunning bouquet blends classic roses with bright chrysanthemums. The rich colors and sweet scents of the roses pair perfectly with the…Avalanche Box of Roses Chrysanthemums
$245 – $2,813Avalanche Box of Roses/Spray Roses and Chrysanthemums The Rose and Chrysanthemum box flower gift is a stunning arrangement that is sure to impress. This luxurious…Be Mine – Box of Red Roses with Gypsophila
$216 – $2,076Be Mine - Box of Red Roses with Gypsophila This beautiful box of red roses with gypsophila is the perfect way to say "I love…Be Mine – Red Roses Bouquet with Gypsophila
$47 – $514Ignite a Spark: Red Roses and Gypsophilia - Passion Delivered Across Lagos These fiery red roses, ablaze with love and excitement, erupt from a cloud…Birthday Bliss Bouquet | Celebrate with Flowers
$100 – $553This vibrant bouquet is a symphony of beautiful roses, each petal whispering warm wishes and heartfelt happiness. It's the perfect way to add a touch…Blushing Bloom Box
$226 – $2,284Make their birthday unforgettable with our stunning Birthday Bliss Box! This exquisite arrangement features a vibrant cluster of red roses, the timeless symbol of love…Bridal 101 – Roses Only
$87 – $216Xsmall (10 roses 90,000) Small (15 roses 133500) Moyenne (20 roses 178000) Standard (25 roses 222500)Bridal 102 – White And Red Roses Wedding Bouquet
$96 – $228Xsmall (10 roses 99,000) Small (15 roses 143500) Moyenne (20 roses 189000) Standard (25 roses 235500)Bridal 103 – White Roses, Fillers Wedding Bouquet
$96 – $228A timeless bridal bouquet of elegant white roses and delicate gypsophila, perfect for a classic wedding look. The soft white hues symbolize purity and love,…Burst of Joy – Mixed Chrysanthemum
$32 – $215Vibrant Mix of Chrysanthemum - the perfect addition to your home or as a gift to your loved ones. ---- To enhance your experience, we…Burst of Joy – Box of Mixed Chrysanthemum
$141 – $1,746Spread Some Love with Burst of Joy – Box of Mixed Chrysanthemum This beautiful box of mixed chrysanthemums is the perfect gift for any occasion.…Buy Rose – A Stem of Rose
$8One In A Million Long-Stem Rose Please Note Red, White, Or Pink. Red Is Default One single long-stem rose 50-60cm long delivered in a water…CAKE 101 – Choc, Red velvet or Vanilla
$54 – $112Looking to order flowers & gifts online now? CAKE 101 is the perfect treat for any celebration! Choose from Chocolate, Red Velvet, or Vanilla, each…CAKE 102 – Yummy Rose Cake
$77 – $131A delicious moist cake covered and filled with a American buttercream frosting, with a touch of light grated red velvet cake crumbs NOTE: We reserve…CAKE 103
$54 – $112A delicious moist love themed cake. Available for delivery in lagos NOTE: We reserve the right to interchange comparable cake/cupcake designs based on availability. CAKE…Chocolate Bouquet – The Sweetest Gift for Any Occasion
$25 – $121Indulge in Decadence: The Luxury Hand-Tied Chocolate Bouquet Surprise and delight with a gift that's as beautiful as it is delicious! Our Luxury Hand-Tied Chocolate…Classic Heart Rose Box | Exquisite Roses in Lagos | Prestige Flower Shop
$219 – $1,082Express your deepest emotions with a gesture as enduring as time itself. This exquisite classic heart-shaped box, brimming with a lush arrangement of roses, speaks…Classic Lily – White, Pink or Mixed Lily Bouquet
$86 – $942Introducing our stunning lilies bouquet - An aura of class and style comes with this timeless collection of pink, white or mixed. These breathtaking lilies…