Avalanche – Roses and Chrysanthemum Bouquet


Roses & Chrysanthemums

This stunning bouquet blends classic roses with bright chrysanthemums. The rich colors and sweet scents of the roses pair perfectly with the cheerful, sunny look of the chrysanthemums. This beautiful arrangement is perfect for any occasion, whether it’s a birthday, a sympathy gift, or just to brighten someone’s day..

—- To enhance your experience, we are providing a range of sizes to choose from for the bouquet



Optional Vase for flower bouquets

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A Dance of Elegance: Roses & Chrysanthemums

Unwrap a whirlwind of beauty with this intoxicating duo, where classic roses find playful harmony with sunshine-kissed chrysanthemums. Each velvety rose petal, bursting with color and fragrance, dances alongside the cheerful pom-poms of chrysanthemums, creating a bouquet that radiates joy, elegance, and pure delight. Whether you’re celebrating a milestone, offering condolences, or painting a room with sunshine, this floral tango steps onto any occasion with infectious charm.

Why Roses & Chrysanthemums are Your All-Occasion Spotlight:

  • A Classic Fusion: The timeless allure of roses, symbols of love, passion, and admiration, intertwines with the effervescent optimism of chrysanthemums, blooming with cheer and good wishes.
  • A Symphony of Color and Texture: Color varies based on availability from optional vibrant reds and soft pinks to sunny yellows and playful oranges, the bouquet explodes with a kaleidoscope of hues, further enhanced by the fluffy whimsy of chrysanthemums.
  • The Chameleon of Emotions: Celebrate anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, or simply brighten someone’s day with this versatile masterpiece. It adapts its energy to perfectly capture your message.
  • Lagos, Bathed in Same-Day Sunshine: Surprise and delight! Watch as our floral ambassadors, fresh and fragrant, whisk this vibrant duo across the city, right to their doorstep.

Imagine the Scene:

  • Your loved one’s eyes sparkling with joy as they unfold the vibrant dance of colors, a smile blooming like the flowers themselves.
  • A room transformed, bathed in sunshine and warmth, as the bouquet becomes the soul of the celebration, radiating infectious cheer.
  • A moment of solace, the soft petals and vibrant hues whispering comfort and hope, bringing a touch of light to a difficult time.

Roses & Chrysanthemums aren’t just flowers; they’re a vibrant tapestry of emotions, woven with love, joy, and sunshine, ready to paint Lagos with your heartfelt message.

Order now and let this captivating duet dance across the city, leaving a trail of smiles and wonder!

P.S. Don’t forget to personalize your story! Add a handwritten note or a playful balloon to make this gift truly one-of-a-kind.

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