Oriental – Mixed Chrysanthemum & Million Stars Bouquet


Buy a bouquet of mixed Chrysanthemums and baby’s breath in Lagos and have it delivered to your chosen doorstep. A bouquet of mixed-coloured chrysanthemums is a very stylish and statement bouquet! Perfect for all occasions

To enhance your experience, we are providing a range of sizes to choose from for the bouquet


Optional Vase for flower bouquets

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Send Online Flower Delivery on Special Occasions–  Oriental Bouquet

Looking for a bouquet that exudes charm and elegance? The Oriental Bouquet, featuring mixed chrysanthemums and delicate million stars (baby’s breath), is the perfect choice. Stylish and versatile, this bouquet is ideal for celebrating life’s special moments. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or a heartfelt “thinking of you,” you can trust us to send online flower delivery on special occasions anywhere in Lagos.

A Stylish Statement of Beauty

Chrysanthemums are known for their vibrant colors and unique petals, symbolizing joy, longevity, and celebration. The addition of million stars adds a soft, airy touch, creating a bouquet that’s both striking and graceful. The mix of colors and textures makes this arrangement a true showstopper, perfect for adding beauty and elegance to any room.

Perfect for All Occasions

The  Oriental Bouquet is versatile enough for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, offering congratulations, expressing gratitude, or sending sympathy, this bouquet conveys your message with sophistication and care. It’s also a lovely way to brighten someone’s day “just because.”

Add Thoughtful Extras for a Personal Touch

Make your gift even more special by choosing from our range of add-ons. Pair the bouquet with chocolates for a sweet gesture, a soft teddy bear for warmth, or a bottle of wine for a touch of indulgence. Don’t forget to include a personal note to let your loved ones know how much they mean to you.

Fast and Reliable Same-Day Delivery in Lagos

At Prestige Flowershop, we ensure your gift arrives fresh and on time. With our same-day delivery service and dispatch times of just 30 to 120 minutes, you can trust us to send online flower delivery on special occasions across Lagos. Wherever you are in the world, you can count on us to deliver your heartfelt message with care.

Order the Oriental Bouquet Today

Stylish, meaningful, and full of charm, the Oriental Bouquet is a thoughtful way to celebrate any occasion. Order now and let Prestige Flowershop help you create unforgettable moments with fresh flowers and exceptional service.

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