3 Times The Love Bouquet | 3 Red Roses & Gypso


When words alone can’t express your affection, let flowers convey your deepest emotions. Our enchanting bouquet of three exquisite roses, elegantly adorned with delicate gypso, is a heartfelt way to show your love from afar in Lagos meticulously arranged by expert florists at Prestige Flower Shop Lagos. Guaranteed freshness and timely delivery.



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3 Times The Love: A Classic Expression of Love

Our “3 Times the Love” bouquet is a timeless expression of love, perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of simplicity. This exquisite arrangement features three stunning red roses, meticulously handpicked and arranged with delicate baby’s breath. Each rose is a symbol of love, passion, and admiration, making it the ideal gift for any special occasion.

Why Choose Our “3 Times the Love” Bouquet?

  • Luxurious Simplicity: This minimalist design is elegant and sophisticated, making it the perfect choice for those who appreciate understated beauty. The focus is on the beauty of the roses themselves, with the baby’s breath adding a touch of delicate softness.
  • Personalized Touch: Add a heartfelt message to your bouquet to make it even more special. Whether it’s a simple “I love you” or a more elaborate message, your personalized touch will make your gift truly unique.
  • Convenient Delivery: Order your bouquet online from anywhere in the world and have it delivered anywhere in Lagos. Our reliable delivery service ensures that your gift arrives on time and in perfect condition.
  • Perfect for Any Occasion: While our “3 Times the Love” bouquet is particularly popular for Valentine’s Day, it’s also perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, proposals, or simply to express your love and appreciation.

How to Order Your “3 Times the Love” Bouquet:

  1. Choose Your Bouquet: Select the “3 Times the Love” bouquet from our online store.
  2. Add a Personalized Message: Optional, but highly recommended.
  3. Select Your Delivery Date: Choose a delivery date that works best for you.
  4. Checkout: Complete your purchase securely online.

Our Commitment to Quality:

At Prestige Flowershop, we are committed to providing the highest quality flowers and the best possible customer service. Our skilled florists carefully select each rose to ensure that it is fresh and beautiful. We take pride in creating stunning arrangements that will leave a lasting impression.

Order Your “3 Times the Love” Bouquet Today and let us help you express your love in a meaningful way.

The Prestige Guarantee

We source only the freshest, highest-quality blooms to ensure your ‘3 Times The Love’ bouquet maintains its radiance for days to come.

Let the ‘3 Times The Love’ bouquet from Prestige Flower Shop Lagos express your deepest affections, creating a moment to remember. 

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